Bag Designs - Click here to see the bag!

The standard of work for the Schools Poster Competition was exceptional - such inspired imagery - and the judges had a difficult choice. In the end two designs were chosen, one for it's image and the other for its wording. Two schools will share the £100 prize.

As well as the two winners, eight other posters were chosen to be Highly Commended. We think that a certificate of achievment will be an appropriate thank you to each child.

Here are the winners (click to see full image):

Emma Forbes
P1 St Joseph's R.C. Primary School
Grant Beaton
P7 Philiphaugh Community School

Highly Commended (click to see full image):

Monica Richardson
Age 10 Yarrow School
Stephanie Brown
P7 Philiphaugh Community School
Thrinity Lear
P2 St Joseph's R.C. Primary School

Henry Clarkson
Age 8 Kirkhope Primary School
Iona Donaldson
P7 Philiphaugh Community School
Sophie Young
P7 Philphaugh Community School
Alex Brown
P7 Philiphaugh Community School
Liam Lynch
P7 Philiphaugh Community School

All of the winning posters are also now on display in Hinnigan's shop window in Selkirk Market Place. The two winning designs will be put on to our fair trade, recycled, reusable cotton bag that will be given out free to shoppers on 4th April 2008.

We would like to thank all of the children and their schools for their splendid efforts and for their valued contribution to Selkirk's campaign to be Plastic Bag Free.